About Us
When we came up with the idea to fire this microphone up and see what would come out, we weren't really sure what we were going to say. Like anything else, sometimes you just take an action for the sake of action to see what happens. I guess that's what we're doing here. Our goal (I guess) is to share our adventures, our knowledge and our likes and dislikes so that we might be able to lend a grimy handshake for those looking for information and hopefully accomplish the objective of generating a couple of laughs in the process.
For those wondering where the name came from, we've had the dumb idea to ride from Phoenix to Puerto Penasco a handful of times. On the inaugural binge, er, ride, as we were exiting the car and getting ready to ride, we were confronted with Ridin' Dirty from Chamillionaire. We figured that it was as fitting of a moniker as any we could describe who we are and what we were and subsequently would become. I guess you could say the name stuck.